
 The planning is available on the "Planning" page.

Do not forget to register!


50 years of linguistics
on oral corpora

Its contribution to the study of variation

Organized by the Laboratoire Ligérien de Linguistique UMR 7270

 November 15-17, 2018 - University of Orléans


Open public conference

given by Professor Gabriel Bergounioux

"Ce que les Orléanais disent de leur ville

et comment ils en parlent"

Thursday November 15, 2018 at 17h, at the hôtel Dupanloup

Followed by a cocktail* around art and sound installations

 * For organizational reasons, please confirm your presence at the following address: anniv-eslo.lll@univ-orleans.fr, before November 8


Consult other LLL publications on case studies based on ESLO corpora.

Find us on the Sociolinguistic Events Calendar.


Key Dates

Abstract submission deadline : April 8, 2018

Notification of acceptance/rejection to authors : June 1st, 2018

Confirmation of participation : June 15, 2018

Dates of the symposium: November 14-16, 2018



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